Software Development Practices Cornish Playhouse - Theater Focused Session
Sep 16, 2016 10:05 AM - 10:30 AM(UTC)
20160916T1005 20160916T1030 UTC Here Be Dragons! What It's Really Like to Slay a Monolith The prospect of transitioning from a legacy monolithic application towards a group of purpose built services sounds like a dream. In reality, it's most often an epic journey wrought with trials and tribulations. In this talk you will learn how one of the fastest growing new media companies shifted from a half decade old Kohana application onto a platform comprised of micro services. We'll cover how to treat your APIs like first class citizens, the thought process behind architecting a stable publishing platform, and all of the lessons we learned along the way. Cornish Playhouse - Theater Pacific Northwest PHP 2016 admins@seaphp.com
9 attendees saved this session
The prospect of transitioning from a legacy monolithic application towards a group of purpose built services sounds like a dream. In reality, it's most often an epic journey wrought with trials and tribulations. In this talk you will learn how one of the fastest growing new media companies shifted from a half decade old Kohana application onto a platform comprised of micro services. We'll cover how to treat your APIs like first class citizens, the thought process behind architecting a stable publishing platform, and all of the lessons we learned along the way.
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