Cloud & Distributed Architecture Cornish Playhouse - Theater Focused Session
Sep 16, 2016 03:45 PM - 04:10 PM(UTC)
20160916T1545 20160916T1610 UTC Failing at Scale Everyone wants their little application to grow up to be a strong, well-rounded, and useful set of code. We organize, we unit test, we market research, and then we push to production. All is good in the world until now you need two web servers, and multiple back-end servers, and more DB servers than you have fingers. Your code starts to act weird, there are errors in some places but not others. Fires, floods, and locusts all start to appear, and how do you manage it? Let's look at some real-life examples, along with some tools and tips, for managing those fires as your application grows. Cornish Playhouse - Theater Pacific Northwest PHP 2016 admins@seaphp.com
8 attendees saved this session
Everyone wants their little application to grow up to be a strong, well-rounded, and useful set of code. We organize, we unit test, we market research, and then we push to production. All is good in the world until now you need two web servers, and multiple back-end servers, and more DB servers than you have fingers. Your code starts to act weird, there are errors in some places but not others. Fires, floods, and locusts all start to appear, and how do you manage it? Let's look at some real-life examples, along with some tools and tips, for managing those fires as your application grows.
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