Software Development Practices Cornish Playhouse - Theater Focused Session
Sep 17, 2016 02:50 PM - 03:30 PM(UTC)
20160917T1450 20160917T1530 UTC Curing the Common Loop (With Collection Pipelines) Trying to understand a complex function full of nested loops and conditionals is like trying to read a "choose your own adventure" book from front to back. In this whirlwind tour of programming with collection pipelines, you'll learn how to use functional programming ideas to break down complex code and abstract hidden duplication behind expressive higher order functions. Together we'll refactor ugly, complicated spaghetti into a series of simple, elegant transformations; free of loops, complex conditionals, and temporary variables. Never write another loop again. Cornish Playhouse - Theater Pacific Northwest PHP 2016 admins@seaphp.com
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Trying to understand a complex function full of nested loops and conditionals is like trying to read a "choose your own adventure" book from front to back. In this whirlwind tour of programming with collection pipelines, you'll learn how to use functional programming ideas to break down complex code and abstract hidden duplication behind expressive higher order functions. Together we'll refactor ugly, complicated spaghetti into a series of simple, elegant transformations; free of loops, complex conditionals, and temporary variables. Never write another loop again.
Senior Developer
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