OSS & Community Cornish Playhouse - Theater Focused Session
Sep 17, 2016 02:20 PM - 02:45 PM(UTC)
20160917T1420 20160917T1445 UTC If You Build It, They Won't Come Everyone wants to create a community and invite their users and prospects to join, but few people understand that communities create themselves. The best communities exist because the users of a product or service banded together to make it happen, not because the company stood up a community site and invited people to start talking. By the time users leave this talk, they’ll understand what they and their companies can do to encourage communities to form around their products. Once the community forms, they’ll have an understanding of how to cultivate it to encourage organic growth over forcing it to grow in a particular direction. Finally, attendees will leave this talk with an understanding of how to measure the success of their community efforts. Cornish Playhouse - Theater Pacific Northwest PHP 2016 admins@seaphp.com
6 attendees saved this session
Everyone wants to create a community and invite their users and prospects to join, but few people understand that communities create themselves. The best communities exist because the users of a product or service banded together to make it happen, not because the company stood up a community site and invited people to start talking. By the time users leave this talk, they’ll understand what they and their companies can do to encourage communities to form around their products. Once the community forms, they’ll have an understanding of how to cultivate it to encourage organic growth over forcing it to grow in a particular direction. Finally, attendees will leave this talk with an understanding of how to measure the success of their community efforts.
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