Frameworks & Libraries The Armory - Room #2 Half-Day Workshop
Sep 15, 2016 09:00 AM - 12:30 PM(UTC)
20160915T0900 20160915T1230 UTC Zend Expressive Microframework and Middleware Large and heavy PHP frameworks are a thing of the past. Modern PHP developers now have a wealth of libraries and packages available to perform specific tasks, and microservices are fast becoming a preferred way to architect applications. But many don't know how to start, and get thrown in the deep end to flounder. This hands-on workshop will introduce what microservices are, and how to leverage middleware to create them. We will use the Zend Expressive microframework to leverage components of Zend Framework, and other libraries, to quickly create awesome things without requiring an entire framework. Resources for reference and continued learning will also be shared. The Armory - Room #2 Pacific Northwest PHP 2016 admins@seaphp.com
7 attendees saved this session
Large and heavy PHP frameworks are a thing of the past. Modern PHP developers now have a wealth of libraries and packages available to perform specific tasks, and microservices are fast becoming a preferred way to architect applications. But many don't know how to start, and get thrown in the deep end to flounder. This hands-on workshop will introduce what microservices are, and how to leverage middleware to create them. We will use the Zend Expressive microframework to leverage components of Zend Framework, and other libraries, to quickly create awesome things without requiring an entire framework. Resources for reference and continued learning will also be shared.
Senior Professional Services Consultant
Zend / Rogue Wave Software
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